Tuesday, November 30, 2010

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis


  • Punctual
  • Generally confident
  • Willing to attempt most things
  • Engineering Qualifications
  • Work Experience
  • Support at work


  • Can lack enthusiasm
  • Writing essays
  • Sometimes do not ask for help
  • Time
  • Memory, lack of notes will cause me to forget

  • Many opportunities at work to improve knowledge (internal and external courses etc)
  • Foundation Degree
  • Opportunities at work to move around within current site and other

  • Worried about the lack of time to do essays
  • Worried about deadline
  • My concentration

I feel happy that I know both my strengths and weakness, hopefully I will refer back to this analysis from time to time and update it. If possible removing weakness and adding strengths, as with anything I will work hard to improve my weakness and the strengths. I am also happy that the strengths and oppurtunities outweigh the weaknesses and threats on my analysis.


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